"; Official shop for Macro Recorder

Macro Recorder Shop

Purchase the desired edition to enjoy powerful extra features!

Click any feature label in the comparison table for details:

Our Happiness Guarantee

We don't want your money first!

Try everything with the free trial and only buy if you like what you see.

Instant delivery

We email your license right after payment. No need to install new software. You can continue with your current installation.

Secure purchase

Security is our top priority.

Your contractual partner is the leading ecommerce vendor Digital River.

Licensing information

  • One license is good for either one Mac or one Windows user (more info). It can be transferred any time between users and computers.
  • The purchase is a single one-time payment and no subscription.
  • Licenses are valid lifetime and and include 12 months maintenance (updates, upgrades and even major new versions) without additional cost. Successive maintenance renewals are optional and available at discount.
  • Test the free demo with all features before purchase. To keep the license price reasonable, technical support does not include analysis and troubleshooting individual macro programming as we do not have your specific system environments. We do not have a refund policy. Confidence first, not money.
  • After purchase, you do not need to install new software. The license key turns your current trial installation into the purchased edition and you can continue to use your data created with the demo version.
  • An online connection is required for the short time of the license authorization (more info).
  • German/Austrian/Swiss customers, please visit the German shop.

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